Italy: Palermo

I love to travel and is very difficult for me to choose only one country for to visit, but i would very much like to go to Italy because i want to meet Palermo.

Resultado de imagen para palermoPalermo is the capital of the Italian island Sicily. It's a very old city and they have a artstic varied and architectural heritage. I would really like to know its monuments, churches, parks, theatres and ruins.

I would like to go to that city to study its history. Also, I would very much like to investigate how people live in one of the cities that has so many cultural influences. In addition, i think it's an excellent city because not many people live there, and this it's really great for my, cause i don´t like a big cities with a lot of persons.

Of course, I would also very much like to be able to do tourism and get to know the Mediterranean Sea.

Bye xoxo.


  1. It must be really nice to visit Palermo! I believe the lifestyle is not as fast as big cities so it must be less stressful


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